/* This code is from "ActionScript 3.0 Game Programming University" by Gary Rosenzweig
Copyright 2007
See the book or site for more information */
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.Timer;
public class MatchThree extends MovieClip {
// constants
static const numPieces:uint = 7;
static const spacing:Number = 45;
static const offsetX:Number = 120;
static const offsetY:Number = 30;
// game grid and mode
private var grid:Array;
private var gameSprite:Sprite;
private var firstPiece:Piece;
private var isDropping,isSwapping:Boolean;
private var gameScore:int;
// set up grid and start game
public function startMatchThree() {
// create grid array
grid = new Array();
for(var gridrows:int=0;gridrows<8;gridrows++) {
grid.push(new Array());
isDropping = false;
isSwapping = false;
gameScore = 0;
public function setUpGrid() {
// loop until valid starting grid
while (true) {
// create sprite
gameSprite = new Sprite();
// add 64 random pieces
for(var col:int=0;col<8;col++) {
for(var row:int=0;row<8;row++) {
// try again if matches are present
if (lookForMatches().length != 0) continue;
// try again if no possible moves
if (lookForPossibles() == false) continue;
// no matches, but possibles exist: good board found
// add sprite
// create a random piece, add to sprite and grid
public function addPiece(col,row:int):Piece {
var newPiece:Piece = new Piece();
newPiece.x = col*spacing+offsetX;
newPiece.y = row*spacing+offsetY;
newPiece.col = col;
newPiece.row = row;
newPiece.type = Math.ceil(Math.random()*7);
newPiece.select.visible = false;
grid[col][row] = newPiece;
return newPiece;
// player clicks on a piece
public function clickPiece(event:MouseEvent) {
var piece:Piece = Piece(event.currentTarget);
// first one selected
if (firstPiece == null) {
piece.select.visible = true;
firstPiece = piece;
// clicked on first piece again
} else if (firstPiece == piece) {
piece.select.visible = false;
firstPiece = null;
// clicked on second piece
} else {
firstPiece.select.visible = false;
// same row, one column over
if (firstPiece.row == piece.row) {
if (Math.abs(firstPiece.col-piece.col) == 1) {
firstPiece = null;
// same column, one row over
} else if (firstPiece.col == piece.col) {
if (Math.abs(firstPiece.row-piece.row) == 1) {
firstPiece = null;
// bad move, reassign first piece
} else {
firstPiece = piece;
firstPiece.select.visible = true;
// start animated swap of two pieces
public function makeSwap(piece1,piece2:Piece) {
// check to see if move was fruitful
if (lookForMatches().length == 0) {
} else {
isSwapping = true;
// swap two pieces
public function swapPieces(piece1,piece2:Piece) {
// swap row and col values
var tempCol:uint = piece1.col;
var tempRow:uint = piece1.row;
piece1.col = piece2.col;
piece1.row = piece2.row;
piece2.col = tempCol;
piece2.row = tempRow;
// swap grid positions
grid[piece1.col][piece1.row] = piece1;
grid[piece2.col][piece2.row] = piece2;
// if any pieces are out of place, move them a step closer to being in place
// happens when pieces are swapped, or they are dropping
public function movePieces(event:Event) {
var madeMove:Boolean = false;
for(var row:int=0;row<8;row++) {
for(var col:int=0;col<8;col++) {
if (grid[col][row] != null) {
// needs to move down
if (grid[col][row].y < grid[col][row].row*spacing+offsetY) {
grid[col][row].y += 5;
madeMove = true;
// needs to move up
} else if (grid[col][row].y > grid[col][row].row*spacing+offsetY) {
grid[col][row].y -= 5;
madeMove = true;
// needs to move right
} else if (grid[col][row].x < grid[col][row].col*spacing+offsetX) {
grid[col][row].x += 5;
madeMove = true;
// needs to move left
} else if (grid[col][row].x > grid[col][row].col*spacing+offsetX) {
grid[col][row].x -= 5;
madeMove = true;
// if all dropping is done
if (isDropping && !madeMove) {
isDropping = false;
// if all swapping is done
} else if (isSwapping && !madeMove) {
isSwapping = false;
// gets matches and removes them, applies points
public function findAndRemoveMatches() {
// get list of matches
var matches:Array = lookForMatches();
for(var i:int=0;i<matches.length;i++) {
var numPoints:Number = (matches[i].length-1)*50;
for(var j:int=0;j<matches[i].length;j++) {
if (gameSprite.contains(matches[i][j])) {
var pb = new PointBurst(this,numPoints,matches[i][j].x,matches[i][j].y);
grid[matches[i][j].col][matches[i][j].row] = null;
// add any new piece to top of board
// no matches found, maybe the game is over?
if (matches.length == 0) {
if (!lookForPossibles()) {
//return an array of all matches found
public function lookForMatches():Array {
var matchList:Array = new Array();
// search for horizontal matches
for (var row:int=0;row<8;row++) {
for(var col:int=0;col<6;col++) {
var match:Array = getMatchHoriz(col,row);
if (match.length > 2) {
col += match.length-1;
// search for vertical matches
for(col=0;col<8;col++) {
for (row=0;row<6;row++) {
match = getMatchVert(col,row);
if (match.length > 2) {
row += match.length-1;
return matchList;
// look for horizontal matches starting at this point
public function getMatchHoriz(col,row):Array {
var match:Array = new Array(grid[col][row]);
for(var i:int=1;col+i<8;i++) {
if (grid[col][row].type == grid[col+i][row].type) {
} else {
return match;
return match;
// look for vertical matches starting at this point
public function getMatchVert(col,row):Array {
var match:Array = new Array(grid[col][row]);
for(var i:int=1;row+i<8;i++) {
if (grid[col][row].type == grid[col][row+i].type) {
} else {
return match;
return match;
// tell all pieces above this one to move down
public function affectAbove(piece:Piece) {
for(var row:int=piece.row-1;row>=0;row--) {
if (grid[piece.col][row] != null) {
grid[piece.col][row+1] = grid[piece.col][row];
grid[piece.col][row] = null;
// if there are missing pieces in a column, add one to drop
public function addNewPieces() {
for(var col:int=0;col<8;col++) {
var missingPieces:int = 0;
for(var row:int=7;row>=0;row--) {
if (grid[col][row] == null) {
var newPiece:Piece = addPiece(col,row);
newPiece.y = offsetY-spacing-spacing*missingPieces++;
isDropping = true;
// look to see if a possible move is on the board
public function lookForPossibles() {
for(var col:int=0;col<8;col++) {
for(var row:int=0;row<8;row++) {
// horizontal possible, two plus one
if (matchPattern(col, row, [[1,0]], [[-2,0],[-1,-1],[-1,1],[2,-1],[2,1],[3,0]])) {
return true;
// horizontal possible, middle
if (matchPattern(col, row, [[2,0]], [[1,-1],[1,1]])) {
return true;
// vertical possible, two plus one
if (matchPattern(col, row, [[0,1]], [[0,-2],[-1,-1],[1,-1],[-1,2],[1,2],[0,3]])) {
return true;
// vertical possible, middle
if (matchPattern(col, row, [[0,2]], [[-1,1],[1,1]])) {
return true;
// no possible moves found
return false;
public function matchPattern(col,row:uint, mustHave, needOne:Array) {
var thisType:int = grid[col][row].type;
// make sure this has all must-haves
for(var i:int=0;i<mustHave.length;i++) {
if (!matchType(col+mustHave[i][0], row+mustHave[i][1], thisType)) {
return false;
// make sure it has at least one need-ones
for(i=0;i<needOne.length;i++) {
if (matchType(col+needOne[i][0], row+needOne[i][1], thisType)) {
return true;
return false;
public function matchType(col,row,type:int) {
// make sure col and row aren't beyond the limit
if ((col < 0) || (col > 7) || (row < 0) || (row > 7)) return false;
return (grid[col][row].type == type);
public function addScore(numPoints:int) {
gameScore += numPoints;
MovieClip(root).scoreDisplay.text = String(gameScore);
public function endGame() {
// move to back
// go to end game
public function cleanUp() {
grid = null;
gameSprite = null;